The little brother of the other ‘Solitaire Seer’ calculator, the SL-831, this rare unit combines a card drawing feature along with solar power and 8-digit calculator functions.
An enclosed card shows how to ‘play’ the Solitaire Seer fortune telling feature and the instruction book gives a method of playing poker, if you don’t mind writing down all the cards it draws in order to play.
On a side note, this was another calculator I won on eBay that used to belong to J(ack) Edward Oliver, a British cartoonist whose work featured in a number of publications in the 1970s and 1980s including Buster and Whizzer and Chips. As a comic book artist and writer he was really good and his stories were among my favourites in the weekly Buster comic growing up. Sadly, he died in 2007.
Not much to be said about the calculator though. Since it’s not a real game calculator, it pretty much lives in its box. A novelty more than anything, it may have been the start of programming card features that eventually led to the poker game module in the GC-50 and GC-10W Straight Flush watches.
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