Just like the Citizen 8988 here, the 8984 is the same but different ana-digi-temp watch.
All the functions are there, 12/24 hour time, °C and °F, alarm and hourly chime, dual time and local temperature, 1/1000 chronograph but it’s different.
The colours are different (which isn’t unexpected) but the digital layout is also quite unique – the functions are laid out side-by-side, with the information panel above them.
Even the analog section has different (shorter and thicker) hands, so the overall look is unique while staying the same underneath.
Citizen had a range of hand styles, dial colours, and case and inner bezel variations so you could pretty much choose the watch you wanted which would be different from your workmate who had the same model.
I’m not a big fan of gold watches, and especially when the plating wears, which is what had happened to this particular watch.
Converting the bracelet to a two-tone version was quite straightforward with a bench polisher which was able to remove the plating from the surface links, while not touching the inner links It’s not quite so ‘gold’ this way and (IMHO) looks better this way.
The interchangeability of parts between the watches means you could also build your own custom version with your choice of hands, dials, inner bezel, case and bracelet — and there are enough broken/parts varieties to choose from (the LCDs are susceptible to breaking and leaking batteries can damage the circuitboard irreparably as well.
If you can find a working one, you’ll find it becomes your favourite very quickly!
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Hello how are you I wanted to tell you that I need this Citizen 8984 machine which I have searched everywhere but I can’t find it. Can you help me with this?
I need this Citizen 8984 machine which I have searched everywhere but I can’t find it. Can you help me with this?
Yes I have one just dug it out battery has been taken out for storage and got the guarantee card and instructions book with it the number is 50720443-30-5511 gn-4-5 no8984-086333y
how much are these worth? Ive a near unworn brushed steel one.
Does anybody have the user manual for the 8984 and share it?
I have this watch since 1982 and although it works, some of the buttons are a bit stuck, the washers are in bad shape, and honestly I need the manual to adjust the analog watch.
I had a very disappointing answer from Citizen as they DO NOT provide service, nor have spare parts (washers) . Instead of stimulating loyalty they work agains it.
Best, David
This website has quite comprehensive instructions on setting the ana-digi-temp watches (they are all pretty much the same, setting-wise) – https://365d24h60m.com/