WP Time Capsule – the future of backups…

Backing up your WordPress site is a necessary evil, and while there are a number of plugins that will backup your database (or your full site) with a press of a button, they have a number of drawbacks.

Disk space is one, sometimes complicated restoring is another, but most importantly, the amount of server resource they consume when doing backups.

Depending on your server capability (and I’m mostly talking about shared plans here, they consume so much resource that a significant number of web hosts have banned their use altogether.

So what’s the answer? Enter WP Time Capsule.

Based on a system of incremental backups, WP Time Capsule will mirror your site once then only back up the changes you make.

While it ticks all the boxes that other plugins leave unticked above, it also makes it incredibly easy to restore a site too. You’ll never notice it running, and won’t get grumpy emails from your webhost about the resources your site is consuming (at least, not in backups!).

If that wasn’t good enough, the icing on the cake is staging. WP Time Capsule will create a mirror of your site to use as a dev/staging environment that you can make changes too then deploy back to your production site at the click of a button.

Another one-click-feature is the ability to try out plugin updates in your staging environment before updating in production too, so it’s good bye to plugin updates that break your site due to php or versioning issues.

It’s a great product, well-priced, and should be an essential part of any WordPress website.

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