This watch was seen in different cases and different manufacturers during the 1980s – and now it’s hardly ever seen at all!
One of the rarer game watches out there (and let’s face it, they are all pretty rare) this one is a pretty cool recreation of the Space Invaders game, complete with Mystery ship, and is only lacking the protective bases from the video game.
Most commonly seen in a plastic case and labelled as the Omni Space Defender, other variations were rebadged by Timex, Trafalgar and Artron. The Meister Anker is my favourite though mostly because of the metal case.
The watch sports a melody alarm (original tune, or at least one I don’t recognise) the time and date, and two games.
The first game sees invaders added to the top row one at a time in four columns that steadily progress toward the bottom while you try and take them out, being given one shot then having to move left or right in order to have your shot replenished.
Game two has two invaders and a Mystery ship which are more agile and move more randomly, creating a new challenge.
The gameplay is great – the big fire button at the bottom has two buttons beneath it to ensure your shots count even if you accidentally only hit one side of the fire button. The two side buttons at the bottom control your left and right movement.
Fun game? You bet! Another watch that used the ‘fire then you have to move before you can fire again’ was Tom Sloper’s GCE Game Time watch (game three).
Hard to find and fun to play, the Meister Anker Space Raider is a great watch. The modules (and particularly sound) can be a bit flaky but worth keeping an eye out for, for sure.
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What is the estimated value of this watch in very well condition ?
In Germany this Meister Anker watch was also released as “Space Encounter”, sold by the well known mail-order house “Quelle”. I owned one in my childhood until it was stolen by other kids. I still have the brown plastic storage case of that watch somewhere.
I think the melody was claimed in Quelle catalogue to be “La Cucaracha”, but the manufacturer omitted some notes to save ROM space, which made it phrased different. It played as long the fire button was held down and also as the alarm.
On eBay I saw a defective version (resets when it tries to output a sound) with brand name “Anker” instead of “Meister Anker”.
Really interesting background info — thank you very much!
I have one But the Display is broken !!! I Need a Module or Display the Module is okay. Meister Anker Version. If you have one, please Let me Know
Check with pocketcalculatorshow forum member Karold, I think he has parts.
I have A Meister Anker Space Raider, but the Display is broken. The Module is working, Sound i don’t know. Need a Display or Complete Module.
If you have one for sale, please email me.
I’m back…..
Didn’t do any collecting or research for a while.
How is everyone doing ??